
1) Biofuels have a vital role to play in getting us off fossil fuel in the immediate past, present and short- and medium-term future. (See graphic below) Benefits are not just carbon footprint, but air quality, improved performance/mileage/less maintenance, energy security, economic development-- rural and urban and military flexibility.

3) Pay attention

to the generally accepted GREET and CA low carbon fuel standard carbon intensity analysis that shows biofuels improvements over petroleum.

5) We CAN make biofuels and renewable fuels sustainably;

and often as part of a way to solve other problems (like burning ag waste in fields or avoiding used grease in sewers or contaminated black markets food uses).


2) Wind, solar and geothermal will not displace petroleum or liquid fuels for transportation, so we need bio- and renewable fuels. We will need to power current and near/medium-term vehicles and aircraft (maybe rockets, too) with liquid fuels for another few generations; even plug-in hybrids, especially for lower income people who can’t afford EVs and who will keep cars long or buy used.

4)  Batteries should be “fair trade”

 Let’s think about EVs like we think about other material goods.  Fair trade is certified (no child labor; workers get living wage (whatever it may be where they live) health benefits equivalent to that of US union coal miners; environmental damage of rare earth metal mines and battery disposal is assessed) and power for EVs should be at least 50% renewable