(for Families and Individuals)
I will decline all plastic bags and straws (always bring a reusable)
I will pick up at least one piece of garbage everyday (watch this inspiring video about “plogging”)
I will use a reusable water bottle (use this app to find local tap water sources)
I will get involved with at least one local environmental group
I will lookup the word “permaculture” and share it on social media or tell a friend (another great website on the 12 principles here)
I will share an environmental oriented post on your social media one or more times per week (if you don’t have social media or don’t use it frequently, spread the word through news articles or word of mouth).
I will share this pledge with 10 friends
I will plant a tree or donate to an organization that plants trees
I will join a local food co-op or CSA
I will give thanks to the Earth everyday
I will go to a local Planning Board Meeting and ask them to develop a permaculture plan for your town or city
I will follow environmental activists on social media and learn about the most important issues of our time
I will read books from authors that are talking about climate change and permaculture
I will sign one petition per week to enact environmental protection policy
I will look my local farmer and get to know what products and services they offer
I will buy as many things that don’t have packaging as possible
I will find out about our town’s solid waste (compost) program and begin participating. If there is no compost program, start one and invite others to participate.
I will sort all waste into the proper containers for recycling
I will re-use take-out containers
I will use as many earth-friendly products as possible (to reduce water, soil, and air contamination)
Dish soap
Body wash
Laundry detergent
Hand soap
Household cleaners
Pest control
Shoe cleaners